Characteristics at Enrollment: Full Cohort, Workers, Non-workers, and Gulf State Residents


  Full Cohort1
N = 32,608
N = 24,937
N = 7,671
Gulf States
N = 25,304
Characteristic N % N % N % N %
< 30 6,265 19.2 5,015 20.1 1,250 16.3 4,918 19.4
30-45 12,076 37.0 9,532 38.2 2,544 33.2 9,124 36.1
> 45 14,162 43.4 10,309 41.3 3,853 50.2 11,192 44.2
DK/Refused 105 0.3 81 0.3 24 0.3 70 0.3
Male 26,341 80.8 20,578 82.5 5,763 75.1 20,360 80.5
Female 6,265 19.2 4,359 17.5 1,906 24.8 4,942 19.5
DK/Refused 2 0.0 - - 2 0.0 2 0.0
Women of Reproductive Age (≤ 45)
Yes 3,411 54.4 2,535 58.2 876 46.0 2,616 52.9
No 2,818 45.0 1,800 41.3 1,018 53.4 2,302 46.6
DK/Refused 36 0.6 24 0.6 12 0.6 24 0.5
White 20,688 63.4 16,097 64.6 4,591 59.8 15,634 61.8
Black 7,425 22.8 5,626 22.6 1,799 23.5 6,943 27.4
Asian 1,325 4.1 781 3.1 544 7.1 218 0.9
Other/multi-racial 3,026 9.3 2,329 9.3 697 9.1 2,417 9.6
DK/Refused 144 0.4 104 0.4 40 0.5 92 0.4
Hispanic Ethnicity
Yes 2,115 6.5 1,711 6.9 404 5.3 1,604 6.3
No 30,399 93.2 23,159 92.9 7,240 94.4 23,626 93.4
DK/Refused 94 0.3 67 0.3 27 0.4 74 0.3
Location at Enrollment
Alabama 5,919 18.2 4,491 18.0 1,428 18.6 5,838 23.1
Florida 6,975 21.4 5,031 20.2 1,944 25.3 6,898 27.3
Louisiana 7,856 24.1 5,599 22.5 2,257 29.4 7,293 28.8
Mississippi 4,241 13.0 3,316 13.3 925 12.1 3,974 15.7
Texas 1,837 5.6 1,521 6.1 316 4.1 1,301 5.1
Other 5,780 17.7 4,979 20.0 801 10.4 - -
Marital Status
Married/living as married 18,337 56.2 14,096 56.5 4,241 55.3 13,531 53.5
Divorced/separated/widowed 6,137 18.8 4,593 18.4 1,544 20.1 5,223 20.6
Never married 7,840 24.0 6,066 24.3 1,774 23.1 6,418 25.4
DK/Refused 294 0.9 182 0.7 112 1.5 132 0.5
Number of Children in Home
No children living in home 17,962 55.1 13,519 54.2 4,443 57.9 14,308 56.5
≥ 1 child living in home 13,493 41.4 10,746 43.1 2,747 35.8 10,894 43.1
DK/Refused 1,153 3.5 672 2.7 481 6.3 102 0.4
Educational Attainment
< High school/equivalent 5,099 15.6 3,822 15.3 1,277 16.6 4,843 19.1
High school diploma/GED 9,436 28.9 7,158 28.7 2,278 29.7 8,319 32.9
Some college/2 year degree 9,382 28.8 7,301 29.3 2,081 27.1 7,552 29.8
≥ 4 year college degree 7,584 23.3 6,026 24.2 1,558 20.3 4,504 17.8
DK/Refused 1,107 3.4 630 2.5 477 6.2 86 0.3
Annual Household Income
≤ $20,000 8,414 25.8 6,150 24.7 2,264 29.5 7,740 30.6
$20,001 to $50,000 9,235 28.3 7,153 28.7 2,082 27.1 7,505 29.7
> $50,000 11,185 34.3 9,042 36.3 2,143 27.9 7,411 29.3
DK/Refused 3,774 11.6 2,592 10.4 1,182 15.4 2,648 10.5
Worked ≥ 1 Day on Clean-up
Yes 24,937 76.5 24,937 100.0 - - 18,943 74.9
No 7,671 23.5 - - 7,671 100.0 6,361 25.1

1Vietnamese-speaking participants included in telephone questionnaire, but not in subsequent follow-up visits or telephone interviews.

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